Ten Words

for National Poetry Month, April 2024 I:I’m still in love. Still,in love. In lovestill. 2:Cheek to chest, whatdo you hear?…

The Hope In This

Existence is           wobbly, flawed, imperfect, scratched, inexact, unideal, seamed, askew, misaligned, typo’d, disjoint, dinged, frayed, mended, mispelledcreased, pocked, amiss,nearly, patched,             our…

First, There’s The Thing

First, there’s the thing.  The five W’s we suspect we’ve come from, that we strive for, and that we assume…

Wildly Foolish

Who could envision the highs and lows, wholly grown, from a room full of wills woofing like gutsy puppies? Whoosh…

The Mud Season

We arrived from a knot of rivers, and so assumed we understood seasons, but in spring the seams cut by…

The Animist’s Analog

Someday the songs of this life will exist only in aging brains that hum along. Once they populated gismos made…

The Barbed Heart

The point of a heart is sharp enough to thread any needle, to dare to love and to bear any…

Fickle Painful Mean

I would love to show up today plain, without regard for the flicker of this flame which has passed through…

A Heart No Longer

Might it have been not long ago— earlier today maybe, that I let go of my altar, after the heartaches…

Mother ocean loves us…

Mother ocean loves us, reflecting the light and waves, her love unconditional and forgiveness unending. Reflecting the light, she waves…

The Next Day

On Christmas day everyone texts, everyone calls, they know it will be hard, being the first year and all. They…

Expansion on Rumi

“Who makes these changes?I shoot an arrow right.It lands left.I ride after a deer and find myselfchased by a hog.I…

Why The Oracle Went Silent

Mostly, the worthy would hector her about business or an electoral race, some an oath they were about to take.…

A Creation Myth

For the first billion years of multicellular life on earth the only thing that existed were fungi, mushrooms, mycelium. Without…

She, He, Him

God, you could have just given her a baby (She, He, Him), perfectly boring. Neural pathways laid out like a…

The Moon That Is

My moon. My man. Risen to the point of deity by songstress, poets, purveyors of story. Said in tale to…

Robbie Russo

Really, our bodies belong iron-encased. The ribs around our heart and lungs not nearly enough. The buttons buttoned-up on shirts…


After selling millions of iMacs with CRT monitors, Apple’s final entry into the market was called an eMac. This 60-pound…

I Rose This Morning…

I rose this morning. Everyone I adore who dreamt in their distinct realms last night also woke. And so I…


“Well, congratulations. You’ve completed your orientation and training. Everything looks like it’s in order. You’ve picked out a situation, location,…


Everything inside this world is thick with verbiage, classifications, terms, taxonomies, and such. I’ve eschewed prose and fed on poetry.…

First Person

There was a kid once, to whom many things happened. And while a handful of people recall watching these happenings,…

Taxonomy of Meditation

Meditating, I recognize different levels (of depth, effectiveness, rejuvenation, reset, insight), based on what my attention is doing. 10 –…

A Dolphin Among The Stars

“Pardon, milady. His lordship has asked that the topsails be trimmed, turned into the wind, that the aphids again, as…

For Restless Sleep

Waking when the sleep-theater was vivid, when the story was a snickering forest of fear and flying, waking up weights…

A gift for you

I am always so moved by the folks who like a post or comment. Well, I have put together a…

The Nothing Stone

No one knows the softness of the nothing stone Perched, as it is, on a pedestal On the head of…

My Husband Used To Buy Me Roses

Roses used to be rare: difficult to come by, seasonal, expensive, delicate, fleeting, pungent, thorned; just a little bit dangerous.…

In The Primordial Ooze

Professor Gill inquires as to which sense we assume to be primary, (glasses cockeyed, rims bent) “Would you guess in…

As A Holding Cell

Each space inside us (each cavity, cavern, fold, and hole) stands as a holding cell for our delinquencies (mucus, breath,…

A Ceremony In Their Honor

Only the notable earn a ceremony in their honorwhile still upright and sentient:the hero-worshipped, the cheered, the adored. Sure, if…

A Conversation

“Dammit Bones, you’re a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can’t be taken away with a wave of a…

I came here for…

I came here for the experience of breathing for the hard slap and wailing for the warmth of another. For…

I Rose This Morning…

I rose this morning. Everyone I adore who dreamt in their distinct realms last night also woke. And so I…

I’ll give you about 2%

Somewhere under two percent of the mass in any molecule arises from what is called “rest mass”, that is the…

The Plants Are Teaching Us

Different plants have different personalities. When we ingest them we ingest a bit of their personalities. The cocoa plant invites…

I’ll give you about 2%

Somewhere under two percent of the mass in any molecule arises from what is called “rest mass”, that is the…

Lives Led In Delusion

From the shade and feel of our sheets, and the carpet on our feet, to the motives we ascribe to…

One must conclude that hatred…

One must conclude that-hatred is more thrilling than love. The heart beating at intersections, howling that everyone else has green…

How I Love

When an ex-girlfriend first met my now-wife she said, “He will love you like no one else, if you are…

No Point

There is no point in talking about a single electron, no mass and all charge. They don’t exist except in…

Stone, Wax, Water

The dent left by the first love you can remember, and remember losing, shapes the malformed fist of your heart.…


The first Noble Truth of Buddhism is that “Life is suffering,” and as Wesley added in The Princess Bride, “anyone…

Thoughts On A Walk

The universe is an unimaginably immense spacetime where counterbalanced forces merge and annihilate without care for the current forms and…


I arrived into a culture which placed the highest value on effort and competition; the go-go 80s with ladder climbing…


This is everything. The only thing. The thing, if a thing exists, exists here, as this. I am this. This…

From Prequel to SQL: Episode 1

After spending years telling anyone who would listen to hire for mindset, not skillset, an enterprising team has taken my…

A Fish Proclaims

A fish proclaims… A person proclaims… “One day I hope to attain wetness, to be one with water, to allow…

Must Write

As each being– from lichen to lamprey, to cousin to auntie– must find their own way in this existence, so…

Today is Today

One. Today is today. Nothing else exists. Whatever you have is a gift from someone else. The continuity of existence…

What I Want From Art

At its conception, uncontrolled wailing, skinned knees ¡Bravado!, a form struggling to be born. Mostly struggle. At its publishing, tectonic,…


I can not recall ever feeling different from this. A day when what hurts was still, and other segments ached,…

This Guilt

Allow any good thing I have ever done to live in the stories others tell (to illustrate a point, coax…


The educated child learned the best farm to plant was over top of the septic fields. And so, the line…

This Fear

This fear is meant to keep us here, distant from the perimeter of the compound where the fuel is found.…


I was told I would see natural magic. Assumed there were imps in the trees, fairies (like Fern Gully). When…

This Anger

This anger fends off predators I’d be unable to defend against (and friends). This anger. This anger is a well-reasoned…

Proprioception II

As my left calf flexes everything’s disengaged (relaxed separate frictionless spinning). When I let go they click. Right hand in…

This Pronoun

“I worry about losing.” My age, my loot, my guns. And so I seek a strategy against goblins vanishing. One:…

After Burn

When they left our solar system (nemeses, accomplices, cronies) it was not because we’d conceived all the good art but…

This Consciousness

YES! Fear not. All that feels permanent about existence is temporary. It passes. Use whatever metaphor feels most like the…

Cardinal Forces

They’ve slotted us in since birth, shaking the tray so we’ll settle, each into the slot most shaped like our…

This Breathing

Most days I’m invisible to myself a mere impulse perusing the landscape while pulleys and servos keep lenses focused and…

Follow the Leader

The first lie is the sunrise (compounded by telling us that some imagine a man in a chariot who invests…

This Focus

Stage 1: You have no clue who you are and must wait patiently for an answer as you pose the…

Peripheral Consciousness

My laptop is smart enough to have ports on both sides ready to offload information and allow new. Smart enough…

This Touch

This touch is our one true sense. Amoeba halving into eternity, quanta touched down on retina, vibration of air in…

Conscious Alternative

This moment (each), you have me on a leash, hooked because we are one (enmeshed) in the same. For the…

This Smell

This smell shores its sacred breath, wafts its way around monasteries and nurseries, round children and daisies, only sense tucked…

Impending Doom

I fret the inevitable heat-death of the universe galaxies fleeing from each other faster than light shudder about our red-giant…

This Taste

This taste, to a light-switch, is little more than hot & cold knot & hold shot & old. And while…

Barometric Pressure

They said derisively that I would move to the mountains (for my protection or theirs) not realizing peaks are our…

This Sight

This: if sight is about making sense of light, receiving heat careening off every surface and making meaningful use of…


Here I am, hung in the clouds; legs scorpioned like a tail, arms outstretched like an angel, skydiving to the…

This Sound

This sound unfolds like a fresh sheet unfurling, suppler than a sheet of paper which must be scratched at the…

About Time

A completely unqualified collection of thoughts about moving sideways through time The residents of line-land are obsessed with ordinality. In…

What Have I Done?

Phillip Levine was one of the great 20th century American poets. There is something in his work I have never…

October Thoughts: Volume Two

An unordered collection of quips and notions collected in the second half of this month. * There is nothing you…

Quiet Mind

I ran a 5k yesterday, the same Halloween 5k we run every year. I ran without a watch, without headphones,…

Life Can Be Fun

There are certainly days that need Carpe Diem, Dent the Universe, Kick Today in the Dick. There are incidents you…

Perhaps One Thing

I wish to retract the parameters of this month’s practice. I have said often that what I was trying to…


Habit is the sneakiest creature. Like a cat waiting to get to the bathroom and drink water from the toilet…


I am here to offer you a vacation. It is only a day long. For today (or tomorrow if that…